Beschreibung The Finance Doctor's Tips & Tricks: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You (English Edition). How to achieve abundance in relationships, health, and wealth by simply utilizing strategies you can incorporate in your daily routine. In her book “The Finance Doctor’s Tips and Tricks,” author Jhayne Santucci reveals the benefit of using emotional intelligence, spiritual knowledge, organizational skills, and financial know-how to achieve desired results faster. She shares her daily routine and provides a checklist to assist readers in creating new positive habits, which will change the way they act and feel, and help them get results. Most people know about the Law of Attraction from the book and movie, “The Secret,” but there are 49 other laws that are unknown to many. The 50 Spiritual Laws of the Universe are the real “Secret,” and they are explained in the book.The author’s original intent was to write a book for young adults in her family, but the Universe had other plans. She wrote a book to benefit others too. She shared her technical knowledge, but in a way that the reader will not be overwhelmed with terminologies, but rather stay motivated to learn. She kept her readers engaged by asking questions and making them pause to take down notes. She also utilized a reward strategy to encourage them to commit to taking action. This strategy will give them a chance to win a trip to luxury places and inspire them to think BIG.In this book, you’ll learn: •How to use Money Growth concepts so you can control money rather than being controlled by it•How to build wealth and use the tax mitigation strategies used by Ultra-High Net-Worth Individuals•How to utilize Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Knowledge, and Financial Know-How to propel you to your wishes and dreams•“The REAL Secret” to an abundant life so that you can become the “Master of Your Life.”•How to use the “Visualize and Feel” strategy to align yourself and be in the receptive mode to receive the abundance waiting for you•How to make small changes that will cause significant results in all aspects of your life over timeThis book is full of information, advice, and tips from the author's life experiences and expertise that you can apply. Keep in mind that you are the creator of your life. You create your destiny. You have the power, but you probably do not know how to use it yet. Unlock that power now.
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