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    Financial Accounting: The Comprehensive, Simplified Study Guide (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Financial Accounting: The Comprehensive, Simplified Study Guide (English Edition). Textbooks suck. They're long, confusing, and scattered. You want to get a good grade, but accounting is a difficult subject and it's not clear what's important and what isn't.This study guide focuses on what you need to know if you want to pass exams or improve your grade. It shortens your Financial Accounting textbook into a clear, concise, and understandable document. It tells you what you need to know quickly and effectively.This book includes:* Lessons on each Financial Accounting topic, from the Accounting Equation to Inventory Costing and Financial Statements Analysis.* Example problems and full solutions at the end of every chapter.* Select practice questions and full solutions at the end of each chapter. 3000+ additional questions/solutions are available through our website.

    Buch Financial Accounting: The Comprehensive, Simplified Study Guide (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    Financial Accounting - Tutorialspoint ~ Accounting is a comprehensive system to collect, analyze, and communicate financial information. The origin of accounting is as old as money. In early days, the number of transactions were very small, so every concerned person could keep the record of transactions during a specific period of time. Twenty-three centuries ago, an Indian scholar named Kautilya alias Chanakya introduced the .

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    Financial Reporting / CPA Australia ~ Study guide: Fifth edition. Financial Reporting is designed to provide you with financial reporting, technical accounting and business skills and values that are applicable in a professional and global environment. The subject is based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) which are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), thereby remaining jurisdiction .

    Accounting Definition ~ Accounting Hall Of Fame: A prominent award in the field of accounting. The Accounting Hall of Fame was started by Ohio State University in 1950. The award is highly selective, and is given only to .