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    A career in IT - How to make it happen (English Edition)

    Beschreibung A career in IT - How to make it happen (English Edition). A crisis can represent the ideal time to learn new skills and switch industries. The world of the future will be built on information technology (IT). Luckily, it is possible for anyone to change industries and start working in IT. In this book, you will find the answers to the following questions:- Does it make sense to change careers and start working in IT?- Do you have to be a genius to work in IT?- How does the IT industry work?- What departments and roles are available in the IT industry? After reading this book, you will understand:- that you don’t have to be a programmer to work in IT;- that you don’t have to complete your studies to get a job in IT;- that there are loads of IT roles you probably didn’t know about;- the skills needed for the different roles;- the likely futures of the different available roles;- how to start working in IT;- how IT departments are organized; and- how to land the best job for you and then develop your career.Many people imagine working in IT to involve programming, testing, or the provision of general help to users. They do not realize how vast the departments that deal with the maintenance of IT systems are or how many employees with various specializations work in such departments. In fact, there are jobs available in IT for almost everyone.

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