Beschreibung The Salmon Leap for PhDs: Swimming upstream: A transition from academia to industry. Do you know what to do with your PhD outside academia?• ✅ After we complete our PhD studies and embark on postdoctoral training, many of us have to face a fishy reality: the lack of growth possibilities within academia. Back in the day, scientists were usually swimming along a rather straightforward career path: enrolling in a graduate program, publishing papers, finishing their PhD and eventually pursuing postdoctoral work. With resilience and a tiny bit of luck, a tenure-track professorship was awaiting at the river's source.But in today’s academic job market, this scenario is as rare as salmon caviar! And once PhDs and postdocs understand this, they typically start scrambling to address the many impossible life questions facing them. Is the path from academia to industry always a one-way street? Will I regret this choice? How can I use my research skills outside academia? Can a non-academic career be interesting/rewarding?Swimming upstream: A career journey from academia to industry?• ✅ The Salmon Leap for PhDs summarizes the best strategies for swimming in different waters towards landing an industry position. In this book, Matteo Tardelli, a PhD in biomedical sciences, argues that PhDs are in high demand outside academia, but both academic candidates and industry recruiters often speak in different languages. Following the author’s conversations with career coaches, HR professionals, start-ups and academics who successfully made the leap into private, this manual summarizes practical tips on how to transition from academia to industry.Inside you will learn how to:• ✅ Focus on yourself and your values• ✅ Look for your dream job• ✅ Prepare your marketing material for it• ✅ Identify what skills you are missing• ✅ Get an interview• ✅ Negotiate your salaryAnd eventually get hired!
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