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    Remote Work Case Studies: How These 14 People Escaped The Office, Earned Income Remotely, And Found Likeminded People All Over The World. (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Remote Work Case Studies: How These 14 People Escaped The Office, Earned Income Remotely, And Found Likeminded People All Over The World. (English Edition). Are you working remotely in your own business—or being sent away by your company? In Remote Work Case Studies, you are going to learn the secrets of how these 14 people escaped the office, earned income remotely, and found likeminded people all over the world.In the past 10 years, work has been changing dramatically. Now business owners and company executives are choosing where they want to live around the world, and they’re forming virtual networks based on likemined people. Caroline Groothoff was a high flying executive working under the roof of McKinsey before her and her husband decided to make the shift and go remote working for themselves in the beautiful island of bali, where this book was written. Inside the book you’re going to connect with people from all over the world just like you. People who are building business, working remotely and having days filled with adventure and excitement balancing their home and work life.Whether you’re sitting in a day job wanting to break free or have a business and wanna explore the world out there, this book will introduce you to the people who are doing exactly that.

    Buch Remote Work Case Studies: How These 14 People Escaped The Office, Earned Income Remotely, And Found Likeminded People All Over The World. (English Edition) PDF ePub

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