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    Unstoppable: Discover Your True Value, Define Your Genius Zone, and Drive Your Dream Career (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Unstoppable: Discover Your True Value, Define Your Genius Zone, and Drive Your Dream Career (English Edition). At twenty-five, Tracy Timm experienced a crisis of identity. She had a life that many would envy, but was plagued by the guilt that she was deeply unhappy with her career. Trapped on a Wall Street trading floor for more hours than she cared to add up in a week, and unfulfilled by her daily activities, Timm knew that there had to be more to life than this. But, much to her disappointment, she could not find a proven system that would help her identify her ideal career. That’s when Tracy did the unthinkable: she quit her six-figure job, joined the undergraduate program Semester at Sea, and set out to discover her dream job. After two years of soul-searching, three years of human capital advisory work, and countless career and mentor conversations, Tracy made an incredible breakthrough. Not only is it possible to find work you love and get paid well in the process, but there is a proven formula to help you discover a super career that fits you perfectly. Unstoppable shares this proven process with you. In this book, Timm, now living her dream as a sought-after career clarity expert, organizational advisor, speaker, and author, leads you through The Nth Degree® process: a proven, step-by-step strategy to achieve total career clarity. You will learn:• The proven secret to sustainable career success• The three types of “fit” that companies are looking for• A no-fail method for defining your unique professional genius zone• The two ways to maximize the value you provide• How to tap into the hidden career marketplace• Proven methods for creating more wealth in your life and careerWhether you’re miserably employed, looking to level-up in your career, longing to be self-employed, or simply ready to discover the job of your dreams; whether freedom, a high salary, or helping others matters most to you; whether you’re just not sure what you want to do, this book will show you how to discover the way forward and design a career you adore. Timm is a lively, enthusiastic, and encouraging coach, with whose guidance will help you go from stuck in your job to unstoppable in your career and life.

    Buch Unstoppable: Discover Your True Value, Define Your Genius Zone, and Drive Your Dream Career (English Edition) PDF ePub

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