Beschreibung Why Women Innovate: Creating a Catalyst for Change (English Edition). Innovation isn’t reserved for C-suite executives, entrepreneurs, or small business owners. It’s not an app, an engineering marvel, or the next big thing. Instead, innovation is what it takes to get there. It’s what happens at the intersection of skills and passions. And any woman, anywhere, has the ability to be ingenious.Why Women Innovate: Creating a Catalyst for Change explores those intersections within the context of women’s careers to demonstrate the power of an innovative mindset. Learn from inventive women who are building companies, bridging gaps, and shaping society, including:* Sara Blakely, founder and CEO of Spanx, on paying attention to the pain points around us* Melissa Hartwig Urban, co-creator and CEO of Whole30, on surrounding ourselves with a supportive community * Britt Blackwelder, founder of The Brittish Way, on maintaining honesty, vulnerability, and courage As you learn how and why other women innovate, you’ll be inspired to identify your own skills and passions. When you discover that intersection, you can create a catalyst to change careers, change industries, or change your life.
Die bekanntesten Female innovators verglichen đ Schnell ~ Why Women Innovate: Creating a Catalyst for Change (English Edition) The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin (Amazing Scientists) The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes: The Story of Dr. Patricia Bath (Amazing Scientists Book 2) (English Edition) The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin (Amazing Scientists Book 1) (English Edition) Was es bei dem .
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