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    Design Your Life: Guide To Materializing Your Dream Life Now (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Design Your Life: Guide To Materializing Your Dream Life Now (English Edition). Did you know that the majority of people who fail to design their lives end up living paycheck to paycheck and unhappy?Unfortunately, if you don’t discover these secrets you’ll be forced to live a life NOWHERE near your potential. Here’s the problem you face: Most people don’t know how to correctly identify their passions, create their blueprint for a happy balanced life, and ultimately make it happen.Which means you’re in danger of falling into a dreaded bottomless hole like many have. Luckily “Design Your Life: Guide To Living Your Dream Life Now” is a brand new roadmap that’ll help you discover the fires that ignite your soul, lay the plans for your dream life, and how to physically manifest it into reality through smart action steps.Here’s a hint of what you’ll get after reading this book: Uncover the passions that are locked inside of you and learn to use them to chart your course in life.The right and practical way to plan your dream life which means you’ll live with certainty knowing exactly where you're headed in life.Balance is key. Learn how to build a balanced life and receive happiness from multiple sources. Secret strategies that help you stay motivated so you can see your perfect vision through completion.Step by step guide on creating your personal action plan to achieve your dream life easily. Learn how to take action strategically.Nobody ends up happy and fulfilled by accident… Become proactive and join countless others on materializing your dream life with ease by reading this book now!

    Buch Design Your Life: Guide To Materializing Your Dream Life Now (English Edition) PDF ePub

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