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    Life Between Jobs: Out of Work ... Not Out of WORTH

    Beschreibung Life Between Jobs: Out of Work ... Not Out of WORTH. There's an elephant in the room. You might think it’s being unemployed, but it goes deeper than that. The elephant in the room is the psychological roller coaster that accompanies job loss, coupled by what is happening in the world today. It is a subject that rarely comes up in discussion. The focus is usually on taking action in the form of writing an effective resume, fine tuning your interview skills, and working your network. You can find plenty of workshops and books on these topics. But what about the aspects of what a person experiences on an emotional, mental, and physical level when faced with a job loss? The topic then falls into categories such as religion and politics. We don't talk about it. Yet, like death, we will face it at some time in our lives. We don't discuss it because tomorrow it could be you.

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    Principles: Life and Work: : Dalio, Ray ~ Mr. Dalio is spelling out over 200 principles of “Work and Life,” principle by principles. Like the great Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius did in his “Meditations.” How fitting. Irony aside, I actually like the clarity and to read about the accumulated wisdom of thoughtful people. And Mr. Dalio is very thoughtful. He is driven by his .

    Of Mice and Men: : Steinbeck, John ~ They work various jobs and travel around looking for new work as one job runs out or they run out. The story begins as they head towards their next job. George has a dream to one day own his own plot of land and Lennie is happily caught up in this vision of the future. Lennie is a gentle giant of a man and is referred to as being not very bright but will work hard and do as he is told. George .

    Burnout Prevention and Treatment - HelpGuide ~ May make life seem not worth living. Causes of burnout. Burnout often stems from your job. But anyone who feels overworked and undervalued is at risk for burnout, from the hardworking office worker who hasn’t had a vacation in years, to the frazzled stay-at-home mom tending to kids, housework, and an aging parent. But burnout is not caused solely by stressful work or too many .

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