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    Unlock Your Executive Presence: Feel like a Boss (Unlock Your Leadership Book 2) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Unlock Your Executive Presence: Feel like a Boss (Unlock Your Leadership Book 2) (English Edition). Be the OneDo you enjoy being loyal, adding value, and delivering great results, only to watch others get the rewards you deserve? Do you find it helpful when you ask your boss what it will take to get a promotion, only to be met with vague, perplexing suggestions? Ever get the nagging feeling that your leaders don’t really understand why they are promoting certain people and leaving others behind?In this book, the Connection Counselor Joe Kwon reveals why you can have all the right stuff, but without Executive Presence (EP), you will never be considered leadership material. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way.This strategic leadership guide delivers practical advice, such as:The 6 Degrees of Executive Presence and how they improve your statusWhy appearance matters less than you thinkWhen “fake it till you make it” is helpful and when it isn’tA blueprint for being seen by everyone as a leaderIf you enjoy business books that are easy to read, and packed with a good mix of stories and eye-opening insights, this is the book for you. If you are looking for tons of research, complicated methodologies, or more tired self-help to-do lists, you won't find them here.By the end of this book, which is equally applicable to both men and women, you will have everything you need to increase your Executive Presence, be seen as a leader, and finally reap the rewards you so richly deserve.Note: While this is not a book about psychology or spirituality, and none of the lessons inside require you to start therapy or daily meditation, the author does draw upon and owes a debt of gratitude to practices and teachings found in books such as Michael A. Singer's The Untethered Soul, Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations with God, Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth, and Dr. David J. Lieberman's Never Get Angry Again.Training: The accompanying workbook for this title is available at joekwonjoe.com/freestuff

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