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    Interview in English: Get Your Dream Job in the English-Speaking Workplace (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Interview in English: Get Your Dream Job in the English-Speaking Workplace (English Edition). Do you use English in your career but struggle to communicate with confidence? Is your lack of confidence speaking in English preventing you from moving up in your career? English is the international language of business, and speaking English with confidence is a crucial skill needed to get ahead in your career. To move into that next position, you will eventually have to interview in English. But you have the language skills to do that already. What you need is the confidence to arrive at the interview and communicate your value in English.This book will serve as your guide to navigating the most common interview questions in English and help you build the confidence to answer any type of question.Are you ready to take the next step in your career?

    Buch Interview in English: Get Your Dream Job in the English-Speaking Workplace (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    Talking About Your Job and Your Daily Routines in English ~ Talking About Your Job and Your Daily Routines in English. We use the Present Simple to talk about things that are always true, and to talk about habits and routines. For this reason, use this tense to describe your job or to describe what you do every day. Talking about your job. Remember: we use a / an before jobs. We use “a” before jobs that begin with a consonant sound, and “an .

    BBC Learning English - English at Work ~ This is a new animated series that focuses on English communication in the office. With a great cast of characters and a friendly narrator to help you, this series will get you ready for your next .

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    SPOKEN ENGLISH LEARNED QUICKLY ~ SSppookkeenn EEnngglliisshh LLeeaarrnneedd QQuuiicckkllyy LESSONS Pages 1.1 through 16.39 APPENDIX INFORMATION Information for the Student A.1 Assignment Calendar B.2 See More C.1 Coming to the United States D.1 The Journey of a Wise Man: A fable for English learners E.1 A Wise Man’s Discovery: A fable for English learners F.1