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    Changing The World We Create: Beyond climate crises, polarised societies and failed leadership (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Changing The World We Create: Beyond climate crises, polarised societies and failed leadership (English Edition). A reference guide for change agents, leaders and activists everywhere. –for business leaders, politicians, policymakers, researchers and thought-leaders, social entrepreneurs, community leaders and philanthropists… in fact, everyone and anyone who knows we need profound change and is frustrated that it’s not happening.Across the planet millions of people are working to create a better world for current and future generations. Yet, while we have less than a generation in which to change course in order to prevent serious ecological collapse, our societies are increasingly polarised and our leadership seemingly unable to effectively chart a new course. Despite our best efforts, we are failing to create the change we need at the pace necessary within the available window of time for action. The reason is that our perspectives on what we are doing (and why) are insufficient for the complex issues at hand. To fix the problems, we must first build the capacity to work from a new and higher order of thinking.Changing The World We Create explains:-the need for a collective change in perspectives, -what specifically are the changes required, and -the beginnings of how we can make it happen. Problem, solution, execution. This book is the result of two years collaboration between Tomas Björkman (on the basis of his seminal work The World We Create) and global change agents Mark Drewell and Björn Larsson. It has been designed to be a short, accessible starting point for your journey into new perspectives that will unlock a better future for us all. There is no guarantee that embracing new perspectives will change the trajectory for humanity. We can however be sure that we will fail, if we do not.--'A must read for everyone seeking change in politics, business and civil society!'Richard Barrett, Founder, Barrett Academy for the Advancementof Human Values, former Values Co-ordinator, World Bank--'Changing the World We Create, opens our eyes to a set of new perspectives from which we can start building the world we all would like to live in.'Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, Chairman PVBLIC Foundation

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