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    Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration—and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration—and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives (English Edition). The end of our high-growth world was underway well before COVID-19 arrived. In this powerful and timely argument, Danny Dorling demonstrates the benefits of a larger, ongoing societal slowdown Drawing from an incredibly rich trove of global data, this groundbreaking book reveals that human progress has been slowing down since the early 1970s. Danny Dorling uses compelling visualizations to illustrate how fertility rates, growth in GDP per person, and even the frequency of new social movements have all steadily declined over the last few generations.   Perhaps most surprising of all is the fact that even as new technologies frequently reshape our everyday lives and are widely believed to be propelling our civilization into new and uncharted waters, the rate of technological progress is also rapidly dropping. Rather than lament this turn of events, Dorling embraces it as a moment of promise and a move toward stability, and he notes that many of the older great strides in progress that have defined recent history also brought with them widespread warfare, divided societies, and massive inequality.

    Buch Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration—and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Slowdown - The End of the Great Acceleration - and Why It ~ Slowdown - The End of the Great Acceleration - and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy epub / 39.02 MB / English / Isbn:0300243405 / Author: Danny Dorling / PAge: 398 / Year: 2020 Description: A powerful and counterintuitive argument that we should welcome the current slowdown-of.

    Slowdown - The End of the Great Acceleration - and Why It ~ Slowdown - The End of the Great Acceleration - and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy epub / 39.02 MB / English / Isbn:0300243405 / Author: Danny Dorling / PAge: 398 / Year: 2020

    Daniel Dorling - ~ Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration—and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives (English Edition) 14.04.2020. von Danny Dorling , Kirsten McClure ( 3 ) €17.99. The end of our high-growth world was underway well before COVID-19 arrived. In this powerful and timely argument, Danny Dorling demonstrates the benefits of a larger, ongoing societal slowdown Drawing from .

    Bestseller: Die beliebtesten Artikel in ~ Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration-and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives Danny Dorling. 4,6 von 5 Sternen 3. Gebundene Ausgabe . 19,99 € #32. Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt (English Edition) Michael Lewis. 4,5 von 5 Sternen 3.224. Kindle Ausgabe. 5,99 € #33. The Fourth Industrial Revolution Klaus Schwab. 4,3 von 5 Sternen 256. Gebundene Ausgabe. 12,99 .

    Slowdown - The End of the Great Acceleration - and Why It ~ Slowdown - The End of the Great Acceleration - and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy epub / 39.02 MB / English / Isbn:0300243405 / Author: Danny Dorling / PAge: 398 / Year: 2020 Description: A powerful and counterintuitive argument that we should welcome the current slowdown-of

    The Great Lockdown: Worst Economic Downturn Since the ~ The world has changed dramatically in the three months since our last update of the World Economic Outlook in January. A rare disaster, a coronavirus pandemic, has resulted in a tragically large number of human lives being lost. As countries implement necessary quarantines and social distancing practices to contain the pandemic, the world has been put in a Great Lockdown. The magnitude and .

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