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    Switch: Stand out, get the right job and accelerate your career (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Switch: Stand out, get the right job and accelerate your career (English Edition). Are you missing out on the right job for your career? Switch.Finding the right job for your next career move is challenging. How companies hire has been disrupted by digital transformation and social media, and you may miss out on great career opportunities simply because someone else is more visible, connected and influential.Pree Sarkar’s Switch Method will help you to stand out, become the preferred candidate and land the right job. This book provides guidance, inspiration and actionable frameworks to accelerate your journey to career success.Read Switch and learn how to:• Achieve clarity so you can focus on the jobs you can succeed in, would love to do, will be well-rewarded for and which make a difference• Build a personal brand and create a stand-out profile to become the preferred choice of potential employers• Aim for the job you want and know how to reach the right people who can make your desired role a reality• Maximise your influence before, during and after your interview to ensure you land the job

    Buch Switch: Stand out, get the right job and accelerate your career (English Edition) PDF ePub

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