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15 Inspiring Quotes About Living Your Life on Purpose ~ The more you travel down this road, seeking out new ways to shape the life you want to live, the closer you’ll get to defining who you are why you’re here. Related: How to Find Your Purpose
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56 Most Inspirational Songs Of All Time - Personal Excellence ~ This post has embedded videos which are not viewable via email. If you’re reading this via your email client, read the full blog post here. Here are 56 of the most inspirational songs of all time: Songs on Being Positive 1. Somewhere Over The Rainbow
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10 Things to Say to Your Partner Instead of 'I Love You ~ Most of the time, right? Again, there's nothing wrong with this. We're all busy. We have jobs to do, Facebook statuses to update, weeds to pull, mail to open, sex to have. If we paused to consider what it means to love someone every time we said "I love you," we'd never have time to shop for groceries. That all said, sometimes it's nice to stop and actually think about how much your partner .
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101 Questions To Ask Yourself in Life - Personal Excellence ~ Here are 101 important questions for your self-reflection, by yours truly. Many are questions that I ask my 1-1 clients during our coaching sessions to help them uncover their inner self. These questions will help you focus on what’s important to you and what you want. They are not meant to be answered all at one shot — they are to be reflected duly over time, as part of your growth .
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15 Inspiring Quotes on Passion (Get Back to What You Love ~ May these quotes inspire you to live a better life, and may they inspire those you share them with as well. 1. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the .
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