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    The New HR Leader's First 100 Days: How To Start Strong, Hit The Ground Running & ACHIEVE SUCCESS FASTER As A New Human Resources Manager, Director or VP (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The New HR Leader's First 100 Days: How To Start Strong, Hit The Ground Running & ACHIEVE SUCCESS FASTER As A New Human Resources Manager, Director or VP (English Edition). Successfully ACE your first 100 days as a new Human Resources leader. Discover the 15 proven rules followed by the most successful HR managers, directors and VPs to excel and get results faster during their critical first 100 days in their new role. Now take charge with confidence.Hit the ground running from day one.Gain respect, up your impact and prove yourself faster. Here's why this is so important. According to SHRM, 31% of new HR leaders FAIL within their first 18-24 months, primarily because they didn't effectively take charge when they first started their new role. And even those HR leaders that succeed massively will tell you that their ultimate success is determined by the foundation they laid and the accomplishments they made during their crucial first 100 days. Learn their best practices. In THE NEW HR LEADER'S FIRST 100 DAYS, Alan Collins, former Vice President of Human Resources at PepsiCo, reveals his proven step-by-step approach for starting strong and accelerating your success as a new HR leader when you first start in your new role. These strategies are based on his twenty-five years of experience working with and coaching hundreds of HR leaders at all levels. There's nothing else like it for Human Resources managers, directors and VPs. Use the easy-to-follow steps, shortcuts and insider secrets to capitalize on the "honeymoon" period all new HR leaders enjoy when they first start. Don't jeopardize your HR career or leave your success to chance. Use this book as your trusted guide and proven roadmap.Inside these pages, you'll discover: * How to make an immediate positive and powerful first impression as a new HR leader * Strategies for taking charge and getting up to speed faster -- even before your first day* Turn your new clients into raving fans, even your toughest and most demanding ones * The six essential discussions you absolutely must have with your boss in order to turn him/her into your biggest advocate * Ways to build a committed team of direct reports and ignite the fire within them -- even those who felt they should have had your job * How to build trust, win over and impress business leaders by using this one secret * The unique, confidential "HR onboarding accelerator" you can use to cut your HR learning curve in half * Ten tips for selecting the early HR wins you need to make your mark and establish yourself * The secrets to deciphering the culture and politics of your new organization to get a lay of the land quickly * How to get on top of your key HR initiatives, priorities and projects in record time -- this simple tool will help you. * How to uncover hidden surprises & avoid embarrassing blindsides, mistakes and slip ups that can derail you. * Tips for craft your own unique, HR customized step-by-step onboarding success plan -- along with an actual successful example you can model yours after. * How to build a team of committed "A" players that will drive your HR agenda * Ten warning signs that your new HR job might be in jeopardy and how to address them.* Templates, examples and downloadable tools developed just for HR professionals to accelerate your success * And there's much, much more!

    Buch The New HR Leader's First 100 Days: How To Start Strong, Hit The Ground Running & ACHIEVE SUCCESS FASTER As A New Human Resources Manager, Director or VP (English Edition) PDF ePub

    The New HR Leader's First 100 Days: How To Start Strong ~ The New HR Leader's First 100 Days: How To Start Strong, Hit The Ground Running & ACHIEVE SUCCESS FASTER As A New Human Resources Manager, Director or VP [Collins, Alan] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The New HR Leader's First 100 Days: How To Start Strong, Hit The Ground Running & ACHIEVE SUCCESS FASTER As A New Human Resources Manager

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    The new manager: your first 100 days - CMI ~ Your first 100 days checklist. To get your first 100 days of to a productive start, here’s a handy checklist from CMI’s ManagementDirect (‘Succeeding as a new manager’): Make the most of your induction. Get to know your team. Set out to develop a winning team. Get to know your manager. Identify the criteria against which you will be judged.

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