Beschreibung Auditing for Dummies. Want to be an auditor and need to hone your investigating skills? Look no further. This friendly guide gives you an easy-to-understand explanation of auditing - from gathering financial statements and accounting information to analyzing a client's financial position. Packed with examples, it gives you everything you need to ace an auditing course and begin a career today. Auditing 101 - get a crash course in the world of auditing and a description of the types of tasks you'll be expected to perform during a typical day on the job It's risky business - find out about audit risk and arm yourself with the know-how to collect the right type of evidence to support your decisions Auditing in the real world - dig into tons of sample business records to perform your first audit Focus on finances - learn how both ends of the financial equation - balance sheet and income statement - need to be presented on your client's financial statements Seal the deal - get the lowdown on how to wrap up your audit and write your opinion After the audit - see the types of additional services that may be asked of you after you've issued your professional opinion
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