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    Financial Accounting Essentials You Always Wanted To Know: 4th Edition (Self-Learning Management Series) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Financial Accounting Essentials You Always Wanted To Know: 4th Edition (Self-Learning Management Series) (English Edition). • UPDATED 2020 EDITION• New: Includes Chapter Summaries and Solutions to Practice Exercises• Understanding of Financial Accounting Terms• Need, nature and purpose of Financial Statements• Audience of Financial Statements• Balance Sheet• Income Statement• Statement of Cash Flows Financial Accounting Essentials You Always Wanted To Know: 4th Edition prepares new managers and leaders with the foundation to understand financial accounting, a critical tool to document finances to shareholders, government tax authorities and other critical parts of the business ecosystem. The chapters follow in a logical flow to describe the key components of financial accounting, including:• Why are financial accounting systems necessary• Financial accounting systems and terms• The Balance Sheet• The Income Statement• The Statement of Cash FlowsEach chapter provides clear examples of the financial accounting tools and includes practice examples to help train the reader in the usage of these critical tools.About the SeriesFinancial Accounting Essentials You Always Wanted To Know: 4th Edition is part of the Self-Learning Management Series that helps working professionals moving into management roles. This Self Learning Management Series intends to give a jump start to working professionals, whose job roles demand to have the knowledge imparted in a B-school but haven’t got a chance to visit one. This series is designed to address every aspect of business from HR to Finance to Marketing to Operations, be it any industry. Each book includes basic fundamentals, important concepts, standard and well-known principles as well as practical ways of application of the subject matter. The distinctiveness of the series lies in that all the relevant information is bundled in a compact form that is very easy to interpret.About the AuthorKalpesh Ashar is a management consultant and corporate trainer holding an MBA (Dean’s Award Winner) from SPJIMR, one of Asia’s top business schools, and an Engineering degree with honors in Electronics. He has over 21 years of experience in large organizations and start-ups in Asia, USA, and Europe.Kalpesh has worked in several project management roles, like Senior Project Manager, Delivery Manager, and Program Manager. He is passionate about writing on management subjects. His techno-business background gives him a unique position to write on management topics that are easy to understand for non-MBA graduates. His books are authored in a simple to understand manner without unnecessary use of management jargons.About Vibrant PublishersVibrant Publishers is focused on presenting the best texts for learning about technology and business as well as books for test preparation. Categories include programming, operating systems and other texts focused on IT. In addition, a series of books helps professionals in their own disciplines learn the business skills needed in their professional growth.Vibrant Publishers has a standardized test preparation series covering the GMAT, GRE and SAT, providing ample study and practice material in a simple and well organized format, helping students get closer to their dream universities.

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