Beschreibung A Hollywood Accounting: It's a Swamp. It's Thick. Difficult to Navigate. Smells Terrible. But I still Love It! (English Edition). In 1985, when I started working in entertainment, all I wanted was to run a Hollywood studio (and, of course, the glamorous lifestyle that comes along with the job).The next 15 years were focused on doing nothing but pursuing that goal. At age 30, I was the Head of Production for Harpo Films; and with each rung I climbed higher up the ladder, I was closer to achieving my dreams.It took another 10 years, and the prospect of flying myself out of Mexico as a fugitive, for me to realize that what I wanted as an 18 year-old no longer existed. The business had changed and what I now wanted as a 40-year-old was to live a life that had roots - and nothing to do with the inside of a plane, a hotel, or an airport. After working in the trenches of film production at the highest levels for almost 25 years, successfully avoiding the Hollywood Con Man, my own greed finally got the best of me.This book is my story.One part memoir. One part cautionary tale. And at times unbelievable.Now dedicated to helping young hungry dreamers & tech millionaires avoid sinking their hard earned money (or easy) into a lousy film investment that will NEVER see a single penny returned. I take you on an adventure that will help you navigate and participate in Hollywood without being ripped off. A unique roadmap for how not to get duped in Hollywood.
Buchhaltung (englischsprachig) - eBooks / Kindle ~ A Hollywood Accounting: It's a Swamp. It's Thick. Difficult to Navigate. Smells Terrible. But I still Love It! (English Edition) 4. Juli 2019 / Kindle eBook. von Tim Tortora. EUR 0,00. Lesen Sie dieses und über 1 Million Bücher mit Kindle Unlimited. EUR 9,99 kaufen Kindle Ausgabe. Inkl. MwSt. Jetzt mit 1-Click ® kaufen. Jetzt als Download verfügbar. kostenlos von Ihrem Kindle leihen .
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