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    FIND YOUR PASSION - BUILD YOUR CAREER: Find Your Power - Define Your Purpose - Let Love & Passion Lead You to the Future You Deserve (English Edition)

    Beschreibung FIND YOUR PASSION - BUILD YOUR CAREER: Find Your Power - Define Your Purpose - Let Love & Passion Lead You to the Future You Deserve (English Edition). Would you like to uncover what you were truly meant to do on this planet?What if you could turn your life purpose into a sustainable career filled with passion and live the life you’ve always wanted to live?In modern society everybody seems to be craving for passionate, purposeful and significant life experiences. And given that the average individual spends about 80.000 hours at work during his life, we easily understand why “following your passion” has become a defining piece of career advice.But one problem is that it suggests that passion is all you need and that couldn’t be further from the truth.Additionally, many people don’t feel like they have a career-relevant passion just because they don’t have the tools to find out in how many different ways their passion can be monetized; andThat can make people needlessly limit their options and give up on their dreams before they even try to change anything about their current unsatisfying situation. So will you be doomed to a lifetime of unhappiness at work if you don't take the leap of faith you need to pursue your passion and turn it into a career?Most people don’t even really know what their passion is. And they often have a hard time figuring out where to find the right opportunities when it comes to combining their not so obvious passion with their professional life. It can be so frustrating when people advise you, “Just follow your passion!” Yeah, sure, you’d love to - if only you knew what your passion was.Even if you are the kind of person who knows what his or her passion is and who works hard, with commitment and persistence towards your goals, you primarily need to know what you’re starting and how you’re going to operate.Therefore, “Find Your Passion – Build Your Career”, has been written to help out all those who need to be reassured in their possibilities to live a meaningful life by pursuing whether a conventional or an unconventionalcareer in agreement with their life purpose and passions.In this book you will learn:-Why knowing yourself in depth is crucial before any life changing decision.-Why we need a life purpose.-How to identify your life purpose with simple introspection techniques.-How easy it is to find what drives you even if you feel bored right now.-To handle the things that prevent you from living your passion.-To choose with full knowledge of the facts between conventional and an unconventional career.-The best ways to approach a conventional career.-The best ways to approach an unconventional career.-What you need to succeed apart from passion.-How to become an optimized and unstoppable version of you.-If your current career is a dead-end; and-How to take the leap that separates you from your passion.The directness and clearness of this book make it approachable for any person willing to live a life of passion and accomplishment, regardless of your age, background or current income. Even if you haven’t yet figured out what your life purpose is, this little technical and inspiring life guide will walk you through the steps you need to take to choose and reach the passion filled career that is waiting for you to pick it out!Don’t get back to an unfulfilling life or to a career that doesn’t suit you anymore, instead let this book help you to find and follow the passion that will lead you to the career and lifestyle you’re dreaming of!

    Buch FIND YOUR PASSION - BUILD YOUR CAREER: Find Your Power - Define Your Purpose - Let Love & Passion Lead You to the Future You Deserve (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    Career Quotes (779 quotes) ~ Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane.” ― Criss Jami , . love, friendships, a career or even the place we will live ~ only to age and realise none of it is what you expected & reality is a little disheartening, when you've reached that realisation; you have learnt the gift of all, any new beginning can start now and if you want anything bad enough you'll .

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    10 Crucial Questions For Defining Your Personal Brand ~ Purpose. Your purpose is connected to how you want to contribute to the world beyond your career. It describes your role in turning your vision for humanity into reality. Having a purpose helps .

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    6 steps to following your passion - SEEK Career Advice ~ Some people seem to know their passion right from the get go, but don’t worry if that’s not you, or if your passion isn’t career related. ‘Following your passion’ can come down to figuring out what you enjoy or love doing, then finding ways to bring this into your working life. That might look like: Taking a leap into a new role or .