Beschreibung HDFC Bank 2.0 (English Edition). FOREWORD BY NANDAN NILEKANI“Tamal combines his financial knowledge, eye for detail, and an excellent storytelling style to create a vivid portrait of India’s most valued bank and its path to the future.”NANDAN NILEKANI, Cofounder and Chairman of Infosys and Founding Chairman of UIDAI (Aadhaar)“Tamal has enthusiastically documented the epiphany that HDFC Bank’s leadership had in starting out on their digital journey. India is set for seismic changes to daytoday banking over the next few years and banks who don’t commit to fully reengineering their practice around becoming a technology company that delivers realtime, contextual banking experiences will wither on the vine. HDFC Bank has made a solid start on this journey, but the final chapter has not yet been written.”BRETT KING, Founder, Moven and bestselling author of Bank 4.0The seeds of change were sown in September 2014, when HDFC Bank MD Aditya Puri went to Silicon Valley to meet the brightest tech minds in the world. By the time he got back, he knew exactly what needed to be done.It was time for a revolution. Instead of waiting to be disrupted by fintech companies, HDFC Bank went all out to disrupt itself, recasting its role and scope on a scale that has never been attempted before.In one of the biggest transformations ever undertaken in any business, HDFC Bank wants to become a platform facilitating a financial experience.Tamal Bandyopadhyay chronicles HDFC Bank’s own digital disruption exercise through the very people who drove it, narrating a story that’s as compelling as unique in India’s financial system. With his keen eye for detail, deep knowledge of banking and unparalleled storytelling ability, Bandyopadhyay recounts the journey of India’s most valued lender from a life cycle bank to a lifestyle bank.TAMAL BANDYOPADHYAY is a bestselling author, awardwinning columnist and a keen observer of the Indian banking sector for over two decades.
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