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    Jump Ship: Career Change: 10 Steps To Starting A New Career (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Jump Ship: Career Change: 10 Steps To Starting A New Career (English Edition). If you’ve ever wanted to change your career but didn’t know if it was feasible—or where to start—this book provides a 10-step process to get you moving. Executive coach Caroline Ceniza-Levine has changed careers multiple times herself, having worked in financial services, management consulting, media and acting, among others. The book details stories from real-life career changers and includes useful tips on how to identify your new career interests, network, interview with confidence and more. Whether you’re looking to switch industries or make another change—going back to school or starting your own business, for example—this book will give you the steps you need to succeed. It isn’t your standard careers guide on how to land just any job, because changing careers is a different beast: You’ll need to work extra hard to prove you’re a better fit for the role than traditional candidates. From start to finish, this book will give you the tools you need to “jump ship” and secure your new dream job.

    Buch Jump Ship: Career Change: 10 Steps To Starting A New Career (English Edition) PDF ePub

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