Beschreibung HOW TO GET A JOB AT AMAZON & BIG TECH — INSIDER’S TIPS TO EXCEL IN YOUR BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW: 100+ REAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND MODEL RESPONSES FROM AMAZON, ... GOOGLE & FACEBOOK (English Edition). An insider’s ‘playbook’ to behavioral interviewing that will give you an immense advantage in getting a job at Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google written by a hiring manager from Amazon and Microsoft. It’s like someone has given you the company’s internal hiring guide. This book gives you:* a ‘look behind the curtain’ into the thinking behind the hiring process and equips you with the types of behavioral questions actually used by Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google (over 120 questions), so you can exceed expectations when interviewing* model responses which Amazon and other Big Tech companies expect from ideal candidates, and examples of how interviewers will ask questions so you can prepare* breaks down the key competencies valued by Big Tech companies (including Amazon’s Leadership Principles), and * an insider’s notes on what hiring managers are trained to look for in successful candidates* key tips from current employees’ experiences on how you can comprehensively prepare for these intense ‘loop’ interviews. What’s in the book:* Overview Of The Typical Hiring And Interview Process* Explanation Of Amazon’s Hiring Bar And Microsoft’s “As-App”* Insider’s Guide As To How Your Performance Is Assessed* Behavioral Interviewing With STAR, And Examples Of Behavioral Interviewing With ‘’STAR* Behavioural Interview Question Bank (Over 120 Questions)* How Can You Prepare For An InterviewABOUT THE AUTHORMax is an author, entrepreneur, and speaker currently based in Seattle, USA. Max Magnus has worked at Amazon and Microsoft, and interviewed at Facebook and Google (the “Big Four”). Max has also been a hiring manager and “bar raiser” at Amazon, and at Microsoft.
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