Beschreibung Dress Me Slowly, I'm in a Hurry: Master the Art of First Impressions to Stand Out in the Job Hunting Game. (English Edition). In a world moving at full velocity, our inability to remain patient and pay attention to details has made us completely inefficient at searching for new jobs.We make it easy for recruiters to reject us by sending résumés cluttered with irrelevant content. We invite them to ignore us with our long, impersonal cover letters filled with stories no one cares about. We sell ourselves short by avoiding the salary negotiation, for fear of being rejected. We look desperate by answering too quickly and becoming too available.The worst of it all is that it’s not about lack of skill or talent. You could be the perfect candidate, with all your skills and years of experience. You know you are good enough. You work hard. You believe in yourself, and you know that any company won’t regret hiring you. But what does that matter, if you can’t even get an interview in the first place?‘Dress me slowly; I’m in a hurry’ takes us on a journey to the deeper levels of the job hunting game, emphasizing why we tend to sell ourselves short and the psychology behind every move we make. Alex provides us with an inspiring brand storytelling framework to present ourselves with conviction, and stand out in our over-saturated and competitive job market.
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