Beschreibung The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality (English Edition). A compelling explanation of how the law shapes the distribution of wealthCapital is the defining feature of modern economies, yet most people have no idea where it actually comes from. What is it, exactly, that transforms mere wealth into an asset that automatically creates more wealth? The Code of Capital explains how capital is created behind closed doors in the offices of private attorneys, and why this little-known fact is one of the biggest reasons for the widening wealth gap between the holders of capital and everybody else.In this revealing book, Katharina Pistor argues that the law selectively “codes” certain assets, endowing them with the capacity to protect and produce private wealth. With the right legal coding, any object, claim, or idea can be turned into capital—and lawyers are the keepers of the code. Pistor describes how they pick and choose among different legal systems and legal devices for the ones that best serve their clients’ needs, and how techniques that were first perfected centuries ago to code landholdings as capital are being used today to code stocks, bonds, ideas, and even expectations—assets that exist only in law.A powerful new way of thinking about one of the most pernicious problems of our time, The Code of Capital explores the different ways that debt, complex financial products, and other assets are coded to give financial advantage to their holders. This provocative book paints a troubling portrait of the pervasive global nature of the code, the people who shape it, and the governments that enforce it.
The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and ~ The Code of Capital, by Katharina Pistor—a brilliant analysis of the ways in which law shapes both the generative and (mal)distributive effects of wealth. A sobering read that manages to bridge successfully academic discussions among legal specialists and popular discourses on inequality. —Aziz Z. Huq, Frank and Bernice J. Greenberg Professor of Law, Mark Claster Mamolen Teaching Scholar
The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and ~ The Code of Capital opens the way for a thoughtful discussion about the treaties on capital flows and privileges that need to be rewritten. A must-read."―Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century "The Code of Capital is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding how global capital markets function. In clear .
The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and ~ Anyone interested in finance, wealth, or inequality will want to engage this ambitious and innovative work."―Bruce G. Carruthers, Northwestern University "The Code of Capital delivers the keys to understanding how law and lawyers push the property system toward concentrated and entrenched wealth. Many of its insights are timeless, but Pistor .
The Code of Capital : How the Law Creates Wealth and ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Code of Capital : How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality by Katharina Pistor (2020, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
User Review: The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates ~ https://www./dp/B07KM2FW65?tag=yogafit0d-20 - The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality The Code of Capital: How the Law Creat.
The Code of Capital : How the Law Creates Wealth and ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Code of Capital : How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality by Katharina Pistor (2019, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
#PDF The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and ~ Libro The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality (English Edition) Scaricare gratis online in formato PDF, dai un’occhiata qui e divertiti su questo sito. Questo sito ha migliaia di libri di titoli e pronti per il download e la lettura. E puoi anche leggere questo libro The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality (English Edition) e scegliere il .
The Code of Capital / Katharina Pistor – Droit & Société ~ Katharina Pistor, The Code of Capital.How the Law create Wealth and Inequality, Princeton University Press, 2019, 297 p. Compte rendu par Lionel Zevounou (Université Paris Nanterre) Fait rare pour une juriste, deux recensions, l’une dans La Vie des Idées, l’autre dans la revue AOC ont été consacrées au dernier livre Katharina Pistor, The Code of Capital.
The Sociology of Social Inequality - ThoughtCo ~ Inequality of conditions refers to the unequal distribution of income, wealth, and material goods. Housing, for example, is inequality of conditions with the homeless and those living in housing projects sitting at the bottom of the hierarchy while those living in multi-million dollar mansions sit at the top.
The Wealth of Nations - Wikipedia ~ An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, generally referred to by its shortened title The Wealth of Nations, is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist and moral philosopher Adam Smith.First published in 1776, the book offers one of the world's first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is today a fundamental work in classical economics.
Solow Growth Model - Overview, Assumptions, and How to Solve ~ Present capital stock (represented by K), future capital stock (represented by K’), the rate of capital depreciation (represented by d), and level of capital investment (represented by I) are linked through the capital accumulation equation K’= K(1-d) + I. Solving the Solow Growth Model. In our analysis, we assume that the production function takes the following form: Y = aK b L 1-b where .
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Katharina Pistor / Columbia Law School ~ Her most recent book, The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality, examines how assets such as land, private debt, business organizations, or knowledge are transformed into capital through contract law, property rights, collateral law, and trust, corporate, and bankruptcy law. The Code of Capital was named one of the best books of 2019 by the Financial Times and Business Insider. Pistor publishes widely in legal and social science journals. In her recent essay “From .
Economic growth: the impact on poverty reduction ~ On average, a one per cent increase in per capita income reduced poverty by 1.7 per cent (see Figure 1).2 Among these 14 countries, the reduction in poverty was particularly spectacular in Vietnam, where poverty fell by 7.8 per cent a year between 1993 and 2002, halving the poverty rate from 58 per cent to 29 per cent. Other countries with impressive reductions over this period include El .
The Law, by Frederic Bastiat ~ This translation of The Law was done by Dean Russell of The Foundation staff. His objective was an accurate rendering of Mr. Bastiat's words and ideas into twentieth century, idiomatic English. A nineteenth century translation of The Law, made in 1853 in England by an unidentified contemporary of Mr. Bastiat, was of much value as a check against this translation.
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Economy - Investopedia ~ Like it or not, the economy permeates nearly everything around us. Any time goods and services are produced and sold, those actions contribute to the economy.
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Principles of Economics – Open Textbook ~ Book Description: Principles of Economics covers scope and sequence requirements for a two-semester introductory economics course. The authors take a balanced approach to micro- and macroeconomics, to both Keynesian and classical views, and to the theory and application of economics concepts.
Uniform Commercial Code: What Is It? ~ Uniform Commercial Code laws are established to regulate sales of personal property and other business transactions. For example, transactions such as borrowing money, leasing equipment or vehicles, setting up contracts, and selling goods are all covered by the Uniform Commercial Code.   Acronym: UCC; How UCC Laws Work . The UCC laws were set up and are maintained by the National .
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UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration ~ (1) This Law applies to international commercial2 arbitration, subject to any agreement in force between this State and any other State or States. (2) The provisions of this Law, except articles 8, 9, 17 H, 17 I, 17 J, 35 and 36, apply only if the place of arbitration is in the territory of this State.
The Forms of Capital by Pierre Bourdieu 1986 ~ This embodied capital, external wealth converted into an integral part of the person, into a habitus, cannot be transmitted instantaneously (unlike money, property rights, or even titles of nobility) by gift or bequest, purchase or exchange. It follows that the use or exploitation of cultural capital presents particular problems for the holders of economic or political capital, whether they be .