Beschreibung WaveMaker career secrets of outstanding performers: from analysis made in HP and Microsoft (English Edition). Careers are what we all invest our energy and emotions in, either positively or negatively. Positive being the belief that we can make significant progress in this or another organisation and that it will give us the wherewithal to have a happy and productive life. Negative in that we can feel that everyone is out to get us, and the slippery pole has been freshly greased to scupper us. That it’s a “not what you know but who you know” world, and, unfortunately, you don’t know anyone. That life’s a bitch and then you die!This book can help both of these beliefs, although, together, we’ll spend more time focussing on the former. Focussing on the positive belief that you are in control of your career.After all, a stellar career is just a sequence of perfect roles.Finding a perfect role turns out to be something that a number of people have discovered how to do repeatedly. Understanding what and how these clever folk do it has been a life’s work for me, and in the book, you’ll see that it’s not as difficult as you thought.What I observed and learned from talking to and comparing the stellar performers in HP, and Microsoft, was that there is a common formula based on some very simple techniques that, if applied properly, will accelerate promotion, cause great opportunities to be revealed to you and ensure that your capabilities remain relevant to the business.Not a bad formula for a fulfilling career.What is this remarkable formula? It breaks down into just three simple approaches that can deliver the career growth that you’re looking for. Just three simple techniques, each of which are explored in depth in this book. They are:•Fully understand your own core needs and requirements from any role and don’t compromise.•Be completely responsible, clear and consistent with your own brand, and constantly hone it.•There absolutely is a secret network operating in your organisation – use it!Together, these three elements make up the WaveMaker approach. Why WaveMaker? Because a good career strategy is just like surfing…Like many things in life, careers don’t actually exist as an entity. You can’t pick them up, you can’t smell them and you can’t catch them in a jar. Corporations and organisations are merely an illusion created by a collection of likeminded energetic people – if they all changed their minds tomorrow and focussed their energy somewhere else, the corporation would disappear and, like poor old Ozymandias, turn back into sand. What they have in common is energy. Energy created, sustained and propagated by people. Waves are the same thing. Waves are just energy passing through water, solids or the vacuum of space. Be they huge or small, powerful or weak, destructive or beneficial, they are just energy. Careers are simply a different form of wave energy, passing through the medium of people.The career strategy of stellar performers, as opposed to almost everyone else, is to maximise that energy in a beneficial way to assist them in their goals. They do this by adopting the strategy of a surfer. This is a strategy that can work for you, as well.Now, how do you take these ideas on board and use them to change your own career trajectory? Read on and it all becomes clear.
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