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    CareerKred: 4 Simple Steps to Build Your Digital Brand and Boost Credibility in Your Career (English Edition)

    Beschreibung CareerKred: 4 Simple Steps to Build Your Digital Brand and Boost Credibility in Your Career (English Edition). Are you looking to change your career but have been told: "You don't have the experience?" Have you been let go from your job and are searching for your next role? Or, do you just want to be recognized for your expertise so you can accelerate your career advancement? CareerKred is often referred to as Digital Marketing for Your Personal Brand. This step-by-step guide gives you everything you need to build a brand online so you can demonstrate your expertise and boost credibility in your career. During the course of this book, you will learn how to build a personal or business brand online that demonstrates your expertise and crushes the "you don't have any experience" excuse. By following the DICE process, you will learn how to define and position your personal brand online in a way that sets you apart from your competition and gets recognized for your expertise, even if you don't know where to start.

    Buch CareerKred: 4 Simple Steps to Build Your Digital Brand and Boost Credibility in Your Career (English Edition) PDF ePub

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