Beschreibung Always Eat Left Handed: 15 Surprising Secrets for Killing It at Work and in Real Life. The ALL-NEW UPDATED EDITION of the best selling book downloaded over 25,000 times! ALWAYS EAT LEFT HANDED IS A "HELP-SELF" BOOK FOR PEOPLE SURROUNDED BY OBVIOUS ADVICE This entertainingly irreverent book from Wall Street Journal best-selling author and occasional Georgetown University professor Rohit Bhargava filled is with brutally honest secrets of success no one has ever dared to tell you. Start smoking? Be a cross-dresser? Procrastinate more? Make people cry? Learn to yodel? Reading just a few of these “secrets,” you might wonder if this book is serious. Indeed, it is. Through a bite-size collection of 15 quirky and insightful stories told in a highly readable non-boring style, you'll learn how to: Think faster on your feet when things go wrong Be the type of person everyone wants to work with Get better at starting (and ending) conversations Find resilience after failure without losing optimism Stand out by being the most approachable person in any room For anyone sick of hearing you should do what you love, take more risks and make mistakes, this empowering book is like a desperately needed pair of noise-canceling headphones for uselessly obvious advice. Instead, Always Eat Left Handed offers a real world, no-nonsense playbook for getting ahead in school, work and life by doing exactly the opposite of what most people tell you. Starting, of course, with eating left handed.
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