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    Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier: Unlock Your Career Potential (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier: Unlock Your Career Potential (English Edition). Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier: How to Unlock Your Career Potential is a practical guidebook for those who are stuck in their career journey or need help reaching their career goals. The Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier (SIWIKE) is what you didn’t know you needed to know about your career development, things that would have altered your career path if you’d known them ten, five, or even one year earlier. A management consultant turned career coach, Luki Danukarjanto presents personal and professional guidance that has been distilled from his own experience, highlighting areas of focus and inspiration for the soon-to-be grad. “Try this” tactics provide practical guidance for incremental and exponential career preparation and growth.

    Buch Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier: Unlock Your Career Potential (English Edition) PDF ePub

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