Beschreibung Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained (English Edition). This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This cutting edge text considers how Asian philanthropists and charitable organizations break with Western philanthropic traditions and examines the key traits and trends that make social investment in Asia unique. Based on 30 case studies of excellent social delivery organizations (SDOs) and social enterprises as well as interviews with ultra-high net-worth individuals throughout Asia, this book examines which characteristics and strategies lead to successful philanthropy and social delivery organizations. Providing evidence based findings on philanthropy, social investment and social delivery organizations in Asia, this book provides invaluable resources for those wishing to deepen their understanding of the sector and what this means for political and economic development in the region.
Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained / Ruth A ~ Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained / Ruth A. Shapiro, Manisha Mirchandani, Heesu Jang (auth.) / download / BâOK. Download books for free. Find books
Pragmatic Philanthropy : Asian Charity Explained (eBook ~ Get this from a library! Pragmatic Philanthropy : Asian Charity Explained. [Ruth A Shapiro; Manisha Mirchandani; Heesu Jang] -- This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This cutting edge text considers how Asian philanthropists and charitable organizations break with Western philanthropic traditions and examines .
Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained 1st ed ~ Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained - Kindle edition by Shapiro, Ruth A., Mirchandani, Manisha, Jang, Heesu. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained.
Pragmatic philanthropy : Asian charity explained (Book ~ Pragmatic philanthropy : Asian charity explained. [Ruth A Shapiro; Manisha Mirchandani; Heesu Jang] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Find items in libraries near you. Advanced Search Find a Library. Cite/Export. Cite/Export. Copy a .
Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained (English ~ Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained (English Edition) eBook: Shapiro, Ruth A., Mirchandani, Manisha, Jang, Heesu: : Kindle Store
Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained 1st ed ~ Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained is essential reading for change-agents working across the Asian continent, and for those seeking to support them.â (Sally Osberg, President and CEO, Skoll Foundation) âWe are beginning to see dramatic increases in interest and activity in philanthropy in China and throughout Asia. We also need .
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