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    The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order (English Edition). With Chinese-led initiatives such as One Belt One Road (OBOR) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) combined with uncertainty due to US shifts in policy and apparent commitments over the past decade, the stakes are high for companies looking to profit from the world’s newest superpower. Post-financial crisis, China has emerged as the largest or second largest trading partner for most countries. It has become the second largest market for Fortune 500 companies like Starbucks, Apple, and Nike and drives growth for Hollywood and commodity products. Yet the profits come at a price for countries and companies alike—they must adhere to the political goals of Beijing or else face economic punishment or outright banishment. Using primary research from interviews with hundreds of business executives and government officials, The War for China’s Wallet will help companies understand how to profit from China’s outbound economic plans as well as a shifting consumer base that is increasingly nationalistic. The countries and companies that get it right will benefit from China’s wallet but those that do not will lose out on the world’s largest growth engine for the next two decades. Click here for information on the author's MSNBC interview: https://mobile.twitter.com/OARichardEngel/status/1147861623211798528 Check out the interviews at Bloomberg, Forbes, and Marketplace on this book: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2017-12-05/those-who-heed-china-s-political-ambitions-will-benefit https://www.forbes.com/sites/russellflannery/2017/11/28/how-to-profit-from-chinas-rising-nationalism/amp/ https://www.marketplace.org/2017/12/18/world/shaun-rein-interview Financial Times subscribers can read this review of The War for China’s Wallet: https://www.ft.com/content/b6bb55c4-e4b4-11e7-97e2-916d4fbac0da The book's review in South China Morning Post can be read at: http://m.scmp.com/culture/books/article/2126477/book-review-war-chinas-wallet-readable-if-one-sided-view-chinas

    Buch The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order (English Edition) PDF ePub

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