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    The Shortcut To Purpose: A No-Fluff Guide To Choosing The Right Career (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Shortcut To Purpose: A No-Fluff Guide To Choosing The Right Career (English Edition). Choosing the right career is one of the most important investments of your time and effort, next to your relationships with family and friends. In order to achieve a sense of fulfillment and happiness in your life and career, it is essential to find your own meaningful way to contribute to this world. It's important not to make the mistake of defining what your success looks like by comparing it to what others think it should be.Since 2012, Sokanu.com has been providing millions of career recommendations to people all over the world. We realize that career success is very personal and means something different to each and every person. Your version of success is dependant upon your values, your experiences, and your stage in life. Therefore, only you can know and understand what's important to you.Let us help you discover the best career for you through the process of self-discovery. This book cuts right through the fluff and provides information that is extremely thought-provoking and potentially life changing. Perhaps you are:A Student Feeling OverwhelmedFeeling Stuck And Uninspired In Your JobWanting To Align With Your PurposeWanting To Live Up To Your True PotentialYou'll be taken through a shortcut to self-discovery that will help you begin connecting or reconnecting with your intrinsic self. After you’ve read this book, you will be able to:Define What Success and Happiness Means To YouUnveil Your Core ValuesChoose A Career That Is Worthy Of YouLive Authentically And Regain Inner PeaceAll of your life's choices, including what career you choose, should be an outward expression of your inner self. Our wish is that you create a career that aligns with who you are and what your purpose is - for only then can you feel truly happy and fulfilled.

    Buch The Shortcut To Purpose: A No-Fluff Guide To Choosing The Right Career (English Edition) PDF ePub

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