Beschreibung When All Boats Rise: 12 Coaches on Service as the Heart of a Thriving Practice (English Edition). Amazing coaches have amazing teachers, because success in the coachingProfession is open to anyone willing to learn. “When All Boats Rise” takes this ideaOf apprenticeship to its core, inviting the reader to look over the shoulders of 12field-leading coaches, so ANYONE – whether new to the profession or a fifty-yearveteran – has that chance to learn.Through their open-hearted stories, practical tips, insights, reflections,explanations, and easy-to-apply tools, these authors add to the landmark conceptthat the best predictor of income is actionable commitment to service. What’smore is that they show how taking on service as a way of being leads to manyforms of prosperity impacting life beyond the bank account.In these pages, you’ll see this approach is foundational for anyone wanting tocreate a top-tier business, raving customers, prosperous practices, wonderfulclients, and a life full of meaning and purpose. And, by taking on service as a wayof being, any coach has access to powerful feelings of contribution, lastingrelationships, spiritual fulfillment, personal growth, profound love,purpose-driven days, and the ability to make a real difference in people’s personaland professional lives. In this book, learn how the world’s top coaches place this way of being at the heart oftheir work, and understand for yourself how service truly is the “rising tide that lifts all boats.” This book will be valuable to coaches who are... •Creating an extraordinary life as well as an extraordinary business•Hoping to overcome their sales woes early in their career•Flourishing and ready to up-level their practice•Committed to mastering their field•Open to new ways to increase income•Practicing what they teach•Wanting to know more about service•Eager to learn practical ways to generate powerful shifts in their clients’ and prospects’ lives•Open to infusing their working hours with meaning and joy
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