Beschreibung Serve 2 Win: Eight Steps to Making a Living & a Life (English Edition). New to business or struggling to make real traction? Then this book has the solution for you.Serve 2 Win is the first in a series of business guidebooks by serial business owner, keynote speaker, investor, veteran, and coach Mitch Durfee.It offers an unusual approach to launching a small business by focusing on the single most successful basis for any entrepreneurial endeavor: being of service. Not only does a service-to-others approach attract more customers and clients, it rewards business practitioners with an unshakeable sense of purpose that is only enhanced by the happiness that comes from using your expertise to assist others in need.With service as the foundational principle, Durfee outlines the eight steps (which are also tools) that helped him launch three successful small businesses and coach over 500 clients to launch their enterprises. These steps are key to create and sustain a thriving business and include: 1. Having the Right Values2. Setting Goals3. Creating a Support Network4. Cultivating a Positive Mental Attitude5. Taking Action6. Protecting Your Time7. Building Your (Small Business) Team8. Positioning Yourself to WinDurfee’s Serve 2 Win guidebook offers an enthusiastic but reality-based approach to business building, while helping new and struggling entrepreneurs gain confidence in their ability to realize big dreams. The book offers a well-tested, step-by-step methodology that, while challenging (the way any new endeavors are), is within reach of all those who want to own their own business, and as a result, direct their own life.Testimonials“Mitch talks about taking massive action in chapter 8 -- and it really helped me.”- Tim Allen, Luxury Real Estate Sales“He doesn’t just talk about it, he does it! This book is a must read.”- Haris Reis, 2-Time Best Selling Author“Mitch Durfee is on a mission to live off of just passive income so he can really fulfill his true purpose and passion in life which is helping other entrepreneurs who are new or maybe struggling to reach all of their goals. Mitch is a talented speaker and coach with years of experience -- he pours all of the lessons learned into his book!”- Laura Petersen, Best Selling Author and Podcaster“Serve 2 Win is a must-have book for entrepreneurs. Mitch Durfee is a business and real estate aficionado. He has plenty of life experience. This information previously would be bukus of money. He will have you exactly where you want to be with your business endeavors.”- Fan who was helped and inspired by Mitch Durfee
Serve 2 Win: Eight Steps to Making a Living and a Life ~ Serve 2 Win: Eight Steps to Making a Living and a Life. The Grunts team is so excited to announce that the CEO and founder of Grunts Move Junk, Mitch Durfee, has just recently published his very first book called Serve 2 Win: Eight Steps to Making a Living & a Life. With service as the foundation principle, Mitch outlines the eight steps in his book (which are also tools) that helped him .
: Serve 2 Win: Eight Steps to Making a Living ~ Serve 2 Win: Eight Steps to Making a Living & a Life - Kindle edition by Durfee, Mitch. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Serve 2 Win: Eight Steps to Making a Living & a Life.
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