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    The Minimalist Budget: How To Save Money...Simplified (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Minimalist Budget: How To Save Money...Simplified (English Edition). Budgets! Yuck! No one likes to do it! But with families sinking deeper into debt every year, a simple budget is the easiest way to get back on trackAnd that's exactly what I teach you in this book....the easiest way to create a budget that will help balance your finances and get you out of the "hole" you're in!I'll teach you....How to calculate your income...in seconds!How to painlessly track your expenses.How to create your budget...with ease!Where to cut expenses.How to increase your income.This book is a great resource if....You need to reduce your debt.You don’t save regularly.You aren’t sure where your money is going.You want to save for retirement.Written from real-life experience, these step-by-step instructions will help get your finances back on track. Start today!" a great read..."".....easy to follow""helped a lot..."

    Buch The Minimalist Budget: How To Save Money...Simplified (English Edition) PDF ePub

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