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    Comparative Health Systems: A Global Perspective (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Comparative Health Systems: A Global Perspective (English Edition). The Second Edition of Comparative Health Systems: A Global Perspective offers new perspectives in health administration, public health, and public policy that address evidence-based approaches to health system improvement; systems thinking at the policy level; integrated information management; macro and micro innovation, and systems sustainability. Part I offers introduces foundational concepts including health and disease; and policy and economics. Two new chapters explore innovation and sustainability; and the role and contributions of non-governmental organizations. In Part II, the health systems of 19 countries are each examined in their own chapter, that carefully explores the country’s geography and culture, the history of its health system, followed by a detailed evaluation of cost, quality, access and innovation.

    Buch Comparative Health Systems: A Global Perspective (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Comparative Health Systems: A Global Perspective 2nd Edition ~ The Second Edition of Comparative Health Systems: A Global Perspective addresses emerging events, advances, reforms, and challenges in the delivery of health care around the world. Part I offers introduces foundational concepts of health care delivery systems including health and disease; and policy and economics. In Part II, the health systems of 22 unique countries are each examined in their .

    Comparative health systems, global perspectives ~ Comparative Health Systems: Global Perspectives Explores The Health Systems Of 17 Countries Through Comparative Study. Using A Consistent Framework, The Chapters Offer An Overview Of Each Country S History, Geography, Government, And Economy, As Well As A Detailed Analysis Of The Country S Healthcare System Facilities, Workforce, Technology, Cost, Quality, And Access. Current And Emerging .

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