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    You Got the Job!: Turn Your Career Dreams into Reality (English Edition)

    Beschreibung You Got the Job!: Turn Your Career Dreams into Reality (English Edition). The #1 job search book, "You Got the Job!" is a proven blueprint and step-by-step guide that will help you get the job of your dreams!Written by Angelo Giallombardo, a proven job search consultant and executive recruiter"You Got the Job!" can literally "Turn Your Career Dreams into Reality." Based on over 18 years of Executive Recruiting and Career Consulting expertise, Angelo Giallombardo brings his career job hunting and employment process insights to you in an easy to use proven system to maximize your job search and to help you get the job of your dreams and advance your career. Whether you are unemployed or you just want to find a better job opportunity or better company to work with, this book will help you to do that in a matter of days. "You Got the Job! Turn Your Career Dreams into Reality" will help you with the crucial steps in the job search process by:- Showing you a proven method to get the job you've always wanted- Developing the correct mindset, attitude, and perspective in the job search process- Helping you focus on your strengths during the job interviewing and employment process- Giving you proven resources to build the best resumes and cover letters- Giving you the correct resumes "do's and don'ts".- Helping you to maximize your job searching efforts- Finding job opportunities that are not publicly advertised- Networking with career professionals on LinkedIn and other social media platforms to maximize your job search- Showing you how to master the employment and job interviewing process- Showing you the best job interviewing "do's and don'ts".- Giving you tips and strategies on how to secure and negotiate several job offers at once. Unlike any other job search book on the market, Angelo's  proven methods can transform you from a situation of unemployment or under-appreciated work to landing your dream job!

    Buch You Got the Job!: Turn Your Career Dreams into Reality (English Edition) PDF ePub

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