Beschreibung Your Computer Is The Key To Your Financial Freedom: How To Make Money From Your Own Online Business Even If You Don’t Have A Degree (English Edition). WORK FROM ANYWHERE you choose and be your own boss! Take control of your time and do things on your schedule! Get this book by author, Theresa Smith who has earned a living working from home since 1986.Are you sick of dealing with office politics? Is your boss making your life miserable? Maybe it is time to take things into your own hands and start your own business. Get started while you work for someone else and build up until you can work from home full-time.This book will help you get started right now, today!Be an Independent ContractorBecome a FreelancerStart your own business so you call the shotsCharge what you are worthTake your work anywhereWork in your pajamas if you preferWork according to your own scheduleNo more useless, boring meetingsNo worries if you need to take care of sick childWork as much or as little as you wantNo network marketing unless that is what you enjoyStop paying most of your wages for daycareMake your own website if you want - not requiredThis guide will give you all the information you need to either make a little extra income or keep adding more income until you decide you have enough.Download this book today and get started right away!
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