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    Consulting Frameworks: Use on your next startup, in an existing small business, or to ace the case interview (Business Success Book 7) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Consulting Frameworks: Use on your next startup, in an existing small business, or to ace the case interview (Business Success Book 7) (English Edition). Consulting frameworks are what consultants use to frame a problem as well as its solution. Consulting is a specialty of problem solving, and these frameworks act as shortcuts to problem solving. It doesn't mean that they are exclusive to consulting! anyone can learn them to help improve their problem solving skills!For the ones interested in joining consulting, practicing 1000 cases doesn’t help if you don’t use a framework consistently. Therefore a better approach for preparation is to understand and memorize the frameworks followed by a few cases only to store the framework in your long-term memory. Many applicants practice cases for months and then are surprised that the cases during the interview are not similar. I don’t need to belabor this point too much--you get it. Learn how to think with frameworks rather than brute force your way through an unhealthy amount of cases. If you want practice cases, most if not all consulting firms offer their own cases online and for free. Those are more than enough to practice. In this guide you will learn about:

    And much more!This Series covers the following topics commonly taught in MBA programs:

    Buch Consulting Frameworks: Use on your next startup, in an existing small business, or to ace the case interview (Business Success Book 7) (English Edition) PDF ePub

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