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    Beschreibung LEAP OF FAITH: HOW TO BUILD YOUR SPIRITUAL BUSINESS (English Edition). Leap of Faith: How To Build Your Spiritual Business.There has never been a better time to launch and grow your spiritual business than right now! There is a shift in consciousness and people want clarity and they want it now. They are online searching right now for someone with your unique spiritual skills and talents to help them overcome obstacles, discover solutions to their problems and have a higher quality of life.If you’re a spiritual entrepreneur just starting out or wanting to grow your business exponentially, then you’re in the right place.Thousands of spiritual entrepreneurs have tried to launch their small business and many have failed; they’ve failed due to not having the tools to help them attract their perfect tribe, how to stand out in the industry, how to build a professional brand, how to position themselves as the expert, how to set up the foundation of an online business, how to automate their business, how to show the world their unique gifts and so much more!What if you had a “Start-Up”Playbook that contained not only proven strategies and tactics to building your spiritual business, but also wisdom, inspiration, motivation and love? Do you think that would change your life and the direction of your business?Leap of Faith: How To Build Your Spiritual Business was written by Colby Psychic Rebel with love to give you the inspiration, strategy and tactics to start, grow and build your business the right way.Many entrepreneurs learn by trial and error, which is exhausting and the road often leads to failure because they don’t know what they don’t know. What smart entrepreneurs do is get guidance and mentorship from others who have gone before them and they follow a blueprint. Experts invest in other experts. Leap of Faith: How To Build Your Spiritual Business is the blueprint you’ve been searching for that contains a powerful step-by-step plan of action on exactly how to quickly build and grow your spiritual practice. People are online searching for you right now. The question is: Are they able to find you?Most spiritual entrepreneurs are good at their “modalities”, but need help on the business side of things which involves:*sales,*marketing,*money management,*automation,*website building,*social media,*legal requirements,*tax deductions and so much more!This book will teach you all of the above and so much MORE!You won’t find any book on the market like Leap of Faith: How To Build Your Spiritual Business because it doesn’t exist. This book was written from one Spiritual Light-Worker to another…YOU! You were “called” to share your spiritual gifts with the world and the world awaits you now more than ever. It’s time for you to move into your brilliant power and shine! It’s time for you to become an unstoppable Light-Worker for your dreams and desires. You have been called to FLY! You can play it safe or you can put on your wings and fly…the choice is up to you. This book is a guide for your inner and outer success! Let’s start our journey together…"Leap of Faith: How To Build Your Spiritual Business is an essential guide for anyone who is stepping into the spiritual world but needs to grasp the business reality! Colby is able to take you through, guiding you step by step, while intertwining the spiritual element"- Lisa Williams, author of Survival of the Soul, Internationally Acclaimed Medium & Clairvoyant


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