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    Power Your Career: The Art of Tactful Self-Promotion at Work (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Power Your Career: The Art of Tactful Self-Promotion at Work (English Edition). Tactful self-promotion is a crucial competency, relevant at any stage of a career. This book is for you if you're: - new to your career, striving to establish a reputation in your profession.- in a new job, trying to make your mark in the organization.- at mid-career, feeling like you’ve plateaued, and need to build influence.- working in the “gig” economy, freelancing, and seeking contract work.- starting your own business, or becoming a consultant.- striving to establishing yourself as a thought leader.- between jobs and trying to find a new opportunity.- simply looking to get the recognition you deserve.Based on work with thousands of people facing career challenges, the authors share actions that even the most reserved can take to increase their visibility without violating their integrity, values, or self-respect (and without triggering a panic attack!). Illustrated by case studies and real-world examples, Power Your Career will help you find ways to promote yourself—tactfully.

    Buch Power Your Career: The Art of Tactful Self-Promotion at Work (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Power Your Career The Art of Tactful Self-Promotion at Work ~ main page Power Your Career The Art of Tactful Self-Promotion at Work. 30.10.2020 by qoxop by qoxop

    Power Your Career : The Art of Tactful Self-Promotion at ~ Product Information. Tactful self-promotion is an extraordinarily useful--in fact, crucial--career competency, relevant at any stage. This book is for you if you're:- new to your career, striving to establish a reputation in your profession.- at mid-career, feeling like you've plateaued or stalled, and need to build influence.- working in the "gig" economy, freelancing, and seeking contract .

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    Power Your Career The Art of Tactful Self-Promotion at Work ~ Power Your Career The Art of Tactful Self-Promotion at Work. pemi . Posted on 27.10.2020 .

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