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    Your Personal Brand: Learn How to Craft Your Personal Branding Statement (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Your Personal Brand: Learn How to Craft Your Personal Branding Statement (English Edition). Your Branding statement is like your own special advertisement. It tells potential employers and others who may be interested, who you are, your talents, and skills plus the benefits of how you can contribute to a company, an organization, an association, or the community.Branding yourself tells potential employers and kindred relationships who you are, what you stand for, and why they need you. The beauty of the Branding process is that once you are clear about YOU and what YOU really want, you will innately know the jobs, companies and organizations areas, and environments in which you'd be an excellent match. This book will show you how to build and cultivate a unique personal brand development process to enhance your image by powerfully packaging yourself to employers, contacts, and people who may be interested in who you are. Self-packaging—that's what your personal Branding Scripts are all about. It captures the personal and professional qualities that employers seek in their employees. It's identifying the unique qualities, marketable skills, education, experience, and specific knowledge that someone possesses and building a reputation that captures the attention of employers. Your Branding Script is your personal and professional Brand. You can be more empowered when using it during the job search, networking, and developing successful relationships in the community. Developing a "Branding Identity Script" allows you to take your strengths, talents, and experience into a short snappy statement of no more than 10 or 25 words that describes who you are and what you stand for. That's a lot to ask of a few dozen or so words, but this book will show you how it can be done.

    Buch Your Personal Brand: Learn How to Craft Your Personal Branding Statement (English Edition) PDF ePub

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