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    Changing Business from the Inside Out: A Tree-Hugger's Guide to Working in Corporations

    Beschreibung Changing Business from the Inside Out: A Tree-Hugger's Guide to Working in Corporations. The BP oil spill, the 2008 global financial collapse, and revelations of scandalous working conditions at Chinese electronics supplier Foxconn show why so many are suspicious of promises of corporate responsibility. But slowly and fitfully, corporations are changing. It's not just because of the high cost of making amends and a fear of negative publicity. Consumers are demanding better corporate behavior, and an increasing number of executives are eager to make their organizations more of a force for good. But corporations can't act in responsible ways if no "tree-huggers" are working inside the system to lead the effort. For more than two decades, Timothy J. Mohin has worked to improve working conditions, clean up factories, and battle climate change all while being employed by some of the biggest companies in the world. In Changing Business from the Inside Out, he's written the first practical, authoritative insider's guide to creating a career in corporate responsibility. Mohin describes how to get started and what the day-to-day experience of being the "designated driver at the corporate cocktail party" is really like. He recounts colorful case studies from his own career, provides advice on how CSR workers can have greater impact, and even looks into how employees in other corporate functions can make a difference. He details the programs and processes needed to support a comprehensive CSR effort, but perhaps most importantly, he identifies the personal and professional skills needed to navigate corporate politics and get buy-in from sometimes skeptical colleagues. With more than 80 percent of the Fortune 500 now publishing "sustainability reports" a new career path has been forged in corporate responsibility. From strategy to data mining to supply chains and communication, this book is the essential "operator's manual" for this new career path. PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your My Library section along with the audio.

    Buch Changing Business from the Inside Out: A Tree-Hugger's Guide to Working in Corporations PDF ePub

    Changing Business from the Inside Out: A Treehugger's ~ Changing Business From the Inside Out: A Treehugger's Guide to Working in Corporations is an ultra-practical how-to guide for any aspiring corporate responsibility (CR) professional. Mohin isn't your typical corporate lifer; he earned his chops in environmental toxicology before moving to CR roles at Intel, Apple, and AMD. He has decades of experience tactfully steering corporations toward his treehugger goals. Using real life examples, Mohin outlines the key traits a CR leader needs and .

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