Beschreibung The Music Inside: Inner Techniques to Tap Into Your Potential, Change Your Beliefs and Create a Fulfilling Career (English Edition). Are you in the wrong job?Do you feel fed up and frustrated?Wondering how to move forward or who to turn to for help?This thoughtful and yet practical book will help you start changing on the inside, take action, make outside changes and feel great about the results and yourself.Maybe you know what you really want in your career and your life but don't see how to get there? Are you tired of being told to 'follow your bliss' when you don't even have a clue as to what that is?Either way you are not doing what you love. You may even believe that you aren't good enough, you don't deserve more or you might upset other people if you try to change the status quo.A few years ago I was coming up to my 50th birthday, spending all my time and energy in a job that didn’t fulfill me. As a classically trained violinist I knew what I really wanted to do was be up on stage sharing my music. I had tried to move into performing several times, had even had some outside success, but I was still full of self-doubts and insecurities on the inside. I realized I had to make changes 'from the inside out' if they were to stick.Luckily, this was when I discovered EFT, a kind of healing modality, sometimes described as 'acupuncture without the needles'. Through that I began working with a life coach who helped me to change many of the self-beliefs and blocks that were keeping me stuck. I also started meditating, as well as developing certain writing exercises. These enabled me to begin taking courses in goalsetting and planning as well as stage presence and video makingI started taking action based on this new knowledge and found myself achieving more and living much more 'on purpose'.From my experience this book was born. Just as I did, whether you are a musician like I am or not, you will:Discover what you are passionate about.Learn about EFT, what it is and how it works and how it can benefit you.Change your 'limiting beliefs' to 'liberating beliefs' - 13 common beliefs which keep us stuck and how to reframe them into beliefs that work for us and not against us.Learn how to form a regular meditation practice and discover the enormous benefits that come from this timeless technique.Use writing exercises such as gratitude lists and lines, 'intentioning' and keeping a daily log.Create goals, make a workable 1 Year Plan, and daily, weekly and monthly activities to help you move forward towards those goals.Access outside help including finding the 'perfect life coach'.By following the advice in this book you will find yourself starting to move forward, painlessly, without having to change people or circumstances outside yourself and seeing how things start to gather momentum.In order to help and motivate you further on your journey to reveal YOUR ‘music inside’, I have created many FREE RESOURCES , including:the Audio book version read by me, the author, Mp3s of my music, a video explaining EFT and many PDFs including a 21 Day Meditation Plan, a 21 Day Tapping Plan, and a 1 Year Plan as well as others to complement the exercises in the book.What's stopping you from improving your life - especially your job - starting now, making real changes and feeling great about them?Scroll to the top and click the 'Buy Now' button.</
The Music Inside: Inner Techniques to Tap Into Your ~ The Music Inside: Inner Techniques to Tap Into Your Potential, Change Your Beliefs and Create a Fulfilling Career by Jenny Clift is an awesome, inspirational book. I am not a musician, but I feel as though the author was speaking directly to me. I'm in a job that isn't my job. It is not what I am meant to do. If I am going to work 90 hours a week, I need to spend that time writing and working .
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: Customer reviews: The Music Inside: Inner ~ The Music Inside: Inner Techniques to Tap Into Your Potential, Change Your Beliefs and Create a Fulfilling Career by Jenny Clift is an awesome, inspirational book. I am not a musician, but I feel as though the author was speaking directly to me. I'm in a job that isn't my job. It is not what I am meant to do. If I am going to work 90 hours a .
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