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    How To Network: Build Instant Trust & Respect With Anyone You Meet (English Edition)

    Beschreibung How To Network: Build Instant Trust & Respect With Anyone You Meet (English Edition). With this book, you will:- Build your personal brand & unlock more job opportunities- Make new connections that genuinely support and appreciate you- Live a life full of awesome people who wants you to succeedMy name is Tam and through networking... I was able to land my dream job as the Entrepreneurship Director for Camp BizSmart, teaching at places like Stanford University. I got to host events and connect with major influencers like Venture Capitalists, Investors, and Entrepreneurs at VC firms on Sand Hill Road. I was able to meet my entrepreneur heroes: Steve Blank, Eric Ries, Alex Osterwalder... and also get connected with my other role models like James Altucher & Ryan Porter. I was able to land speaking gigs for clients like Rotary International, AIESEC United States, & TEDx!Because of my network, I have to consistently turn down job opportunities from powerful people because I simply cannot do them all.I'm not saying this to brag, I'm sharing this with you to prove that ANY ONE can do this. When I graduated from school, I was a NOBODY. The best advice I got was: "Just go network!" But honestly, what does "networking" even mean!? Does that mean I have to suck up to people for them to like or notice me? Why would business professionals want to talk to a young guy like me? I was confused. No one taught me how to network. I always imagined we had to exchange business cards with each other and talk about golf. Fast forward two years later, I have been blessed to be connected with many influential people including entrepreneurs, authors, investors, business professionals, creative artists, and so much more. I didn't grow up rich. My family isn't well-connected. I'm not blessed with any special talents. So how did I do it? I want to share exactly what I did to build my network so that you don't have to go through the hardships and struggles that I went through. In this book, it will show you step by step on what mindset you should have, proven tactics on how to connect with people, and how to get started immediately. Regardless if you're a college student, graduate, working full-time, or even unemployed... These tips and techniques have been PROVEN to drive massive results, guranteed. Networking is a massively useful skill that will open so many opportunities for you. Mastering networking would not only lead to more job offers and new connections, but help build an awesome support group to motivate & inspire you. This precious skill is something that school will never teach you but all the secrets are here... What are you waiting for? :)

    Buch How To Network: Build Instant Trust & Respect With Anyone You Meet (English Edition) PDF ePub

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