Beschreibung I.T. Manager Resume Hacking: Shortcuts to outshining your peers and getting interviews (Science & Technology Book 2) (English Edition). If you're an IT manager looking to improve your resume, this book is just for you! And we mean just for you. All the examples in here are tailored for IT managers (and are also quite relevant for IT directors and IT project managers). We actually went through many of your peers' resumes, to identify what made the best stand out. This is what you'll find in this guide: the most relevant, high impact material from IT manager resumes. So our examples are all about IT policies and procedures, onsite/offshore, QA, infrastructure and help desks.It's not a comprehensive resume guide by any means; there's already tons of generic resume advice out there. Our e-books are quite short (around 3000 words), but straight to the point, because they have a single purpose: helping you make your resume distinctive. We do that by providing you stuff that is both highly valuable and uncommon in your field.Our goal is to help you get more interviews, through a "do-it-yourself-in-one-afternoon" resume hacking guide.
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