Beschreibung Why We Can't Afford the Rich (English Edition). As inequalities widen and the effects of austerity deepen, in many countries the wealth of the rich has soared. Why we can’t afford the rich exposes the unjust and dysfunctional mechanisms that allow the top 1% to siphon off wealth produced by others, through the control of property and money. Leading social scientist Andrew Sayer shows how the rich worldwide have increased their ability to create indebtedness and expand their political influence. Winner of the 2015 British Academy Peter Townsend Prize, this important book bursts the myth of the rich as specially talented wealth creators. It shows how the rich are threatening the planet by banking on unsustainable growth. The paperback includes a new Afterword updating developments in the last year and forcefully argues that the crises of economy and climate can only be resolved by radical change to make economies sustainable, fair and conducive to well-being for all.
Why We Can't Afford the Rich (English Edition) eBook ~ Why We Can't Afford the Rich (English Edition) eBook: Andrew Sayer, Richard Wilkinson: : Kindle-Shop
Why We Can't Afford the Rich (English Edition) eBook ~ Why We Can't Afford the Rich adds to the growing body of work that challenges mainstream economic thinking and traditional self-justifications for inequality. It provides an extended catalogue of the multiple and often complex devices used by those with financial and economic power to grab a bigger share of the cake, manipulating the control of assets like land and money, to 'siphon off wealth .
Why We Can't Afford the Rich (English Edition) - eBooks em ~ Compre Why We Can't Afford the Rich (English Edition) de Sayer, Andrew, Wilkinson, Richard na .br. Confira também os eBooks mais vendidos, lançamentos e livros digitais exclusivos.
Why we can't afford the rich (English Edition) eBook ~ Why we canât afford the rich exposes the unjust and dysfunctional mechanisms that allow the top 1% to siphon off wealth produced by others, through the control of property and money. Leading social scientist Andrew Sayer shows how the rich worldwide have increased their ability to create indebtedness and expand their political influence. Winner of the 2015 British Academy Peter Townsend . Why We Can't Afford the Rich (English ~ Why We Can't Afford the Rich (English Edition) Kindleç Andrew Sayer (è), Richard Wilkinson (ăŻăăă) ćœąćŒ: Kindle ç. 5ă€æăźăăĄ4.6 69ćăźè©äŸĄ. ăăźä» ăźćœąćŒăăăłăšăăŁă·ă§ăłăèĄšç€șăă ä»ăźćœąćŒăăăłăšăăŁă·ă§ăłăéèĄšç€șă«ăă. äŸĄæ Œ æ°ć äžć€ć Kindleç (é»ćæžç±) "ăăäžćșŠè©ŠăăŠăă ăăă" ïż„1,574 .
Why We Can't Afford the Rich / .br ~ Why we canât afford the rich exposes the unjust and dysfunctional mechanisms that allow the top 1% to siphon off wealth produced by others, through the control of property and money. Leading social scientist Andrew Sayer shows how the rich worldwide have increased their ability to create indebtedness and expand their political influence. Winner of the 2015 British Academy Peter Townsend .
Why We Can't Afford the Rich 1st Edition - ~ Why we canât afford the rich exposes the unjust and dysfunctional mechanisms that allow the top 1% to siphon off wealth produced by others, through the control of property and money. Leading social scientist Andrew Sayer shows how the rich worldwide have increased their ability to create indebtedness and expand their political influence. Winner of the 2015 British Academy Peter Townsend .
Why We Canât Afford the Rich - Tax Justice Network ~ Why We Canât Afford the Rich is an exploration of how the neo-liberal project has boosted the wealth of the globalised rent-seeking class. As Sayer notes in the opening chapter ( A Guide to Wealth Extraction): â. . .some people can get an income by extracting wealth from the economy simply through their control of key resources that others need but lack, and by charging them for their use .
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