Beschreibung Recession Proof Graduate: How to Land the Job You Want by Doing Free Work (English Edition). "Recession Proof Graduate is just epic for younger people starting out..." - Noah Kagan, Founder of AppSumo"...Or anyone who's starting over, or trying to reinvent themselves." - Tim Ferriss, Bestselling Author of The 4-Hour Workweek"Top 10 Audiobooks on" - New York Times, Associated Press (May 5, 2015)Recession-Proof Graduate is a popular career guide that's been downloaded over 200,000 times. This book is frequently shared among students, teachers, parents, counselors, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. It's been integrated in the coursework at a number of universities, given away as a graduation gift, and translated to Italian.Don't give out lame graduation gifts and $20 checks this year! Give your friends what they really need: a battle-tested manual to help them land a job they love. This book reveals the step-by-step formula that thousands of people have used to get great jobs, even in terrible economies. The author of this book, Charlie Hoehn, struggled to find meaningful work (or any work) after getting out of school. He graduated in 2008 - during the worst economy in 80 years - and spent months spamming his resume to hundreds of companies he didn't want to work for... and never heard back from them. When he changed his strategy, he landed several dream jobs, and got to work with amazing people like Tim Ferriss and Ramit Sethi. Charlie went from being broke in his parents' basement, to getting paid to work on projects that made him come alive. It was a far cry from the days of begging for soul-crushing work.
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