Beschreibung 15 Minutes to a Better Interview: What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew (English Edition). "Do you want to Interview like an expert in 15 minutes? Amazing insights direct from a Fortune 500 executive can land you that offer!"Featured in Business Insider (Nov 6, 2014)Featured in Woman's World Magazine (Jan 12, 2015)Over 12,000 people have been helped by this book!If you get no value out of this book, and it doesn't improve your interviews - RETURN FOR A FULL REFUND* I AM THAT CONFIDENT ABOUT THE VALUE OF MY EXPERIENCE.Don't take my word for it - read the real stories of how people landed their dream job with this information. [2018 Review - UNEDITED] Get it.If you're in HR, an executive involved in hiring decisions, or someone looking for a job or even a promotion - get this book.I've read the 300+-pages-books Tuckerton refers to in the introduction. If you already know what makes a great contributor to any team or organization this is a lifesaver when it comes to getting a job, or hiring a new employee. Why? It's easy to make these tiny mistakes in an interview giving the wrong impression of yourself. It's not faking it, it's simply giving an accurate view of yourself. As for when hiring, Tuckerton gives examples of insightful questions that focus on BALANCE in a person. Most high-performing individuals aren't well-rounded, that's why they are high-performing, however, everyone needs to learn to manage behavior that gets in our way to perform at the highest possible level in a social setting.Great value, given both time and money invested reading this book.[END of REVIEW - READ THEM TO AVOID WASTING YOUR TIME ON OTHER "300 PAGE" BOOKS]You're qualified for the job - it should be yours. Let me show you what goes through the head of the manager so you can use it to get that job offer. In 15 minutes or less you can transform how you interview using a highly condensed set of recommendations in this book. Whether you are seeking an entry level or an experienced management position these behind the scenes insights will give you the edge. I see "bad" behaviors across all levels of interviews, without candidates even being aware of what they are doing that prevents them from being hired. You don't need to memorize 101 interview questions and answers. You need actual experiences from the other side of the table to guide you.˃˃˃ Listen to Hiring ManagersIs the book you're reading now written by the person who decides to hire you, or by someone else involved in the process such as a recruiter or human resources role? If so their guidance may get you an interview, but won't give you insight into what goes through the manager's head when you aren't hired for the job. Read the reviews and see how this book has helped others - Scroll up and grab your copy today - and interview better tomorrow. Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers*Subject to Amazon 7 day refund policy for kindle books. Subject to change by Amazon.
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