Beschreibung CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization (English Edition). Graph algorithms are easy to visualize and indeed there already exists a variety of packages to animate the dynamics when solving problems from graph theory. Still it can be difficult to understand the ideas behind the algorithm from the dynamic display alone.CATBox consists of a software system for animating graph algorithms and a course book which we developed simultaneously. The software system presents both the algorithm and the graph and puts the user always in control of the actual code that is executed. In the course book, intended for readers at advanced undergraduate or graduate level, computer exercises and examples replace the usual static pictures of algorithm dynamics.For this volume we have chosen solely algorithms for classical problems from combinatorial optimization, such as minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, maximum flows, minimum cost flows, weighted and unweighted matchings both for bipartite and non-bipartite graphs.Find more information at
CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial ~ CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization (English Edition) eBook: Winfried Hochstättler, Alexander Schliep: : Kindle-Shop
CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization ~ CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization Winfried Hochstättler , Alexander Schliep (auth.) Graph algorithms are easy to visualize and indeed there already exists a variety of packages and programs to animate the dynamics when solving problems from graph theory.
CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization ~ CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization von Springer Verlag. Plattform : . (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German Edition) Ingo Wegener. 3,0 von 5 Sternen 5. Taschenbuch. 54,99 € Lineare Optimierung – eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung in Operations Research Andreas Koop. Taschenbuch. 27,99 € Science Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers Of English: A Guide for Non .
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CATBox - Winfried Hochstättler, Alexander Schliep ~ CATBox consists of a software system for animating graph algorithms and a course book which we developed simultaneously. The software system presents both the algorithm and the graph and puts the user always in control of the actual code that is executed. In the course book, intended for readers at advanced undergraduate or graduate level, computer exercises and examples replace the usual .
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CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial ~ CATBox consists of a software system for animating graph algorithms and a course book which we developed simultaneously. The software system presents both the algorithm and the graph and puts the user always in control of the actual code that is executed. He or she can set breakpoints, proceed in single steps and trace into subroutines. The graph, and additional auxiliary graphs like residual .
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